
About the Creator

Jerry Andrews

A graduate of the Western Michigan University Art Department, Jerrold Andrews' interest in the creative process led to advanced levels of painting, photography, multi-media, and art history before completing his Bachelors of Science degree in Graphic Design in 1983. Upon completion of an internship at CS&A Advertising in Normal, Illinois, Andrews remained on staff for a year before excepting a position at Ford Motor Company's Creative Art Unit where he was a Senior Group Leader in an art direction capacity.

Mr. Andrew's relationship with the hobby community stems back to his childhood as a collector and retailer of trading cards and memorabilia. In 1993, Andrews procured the right to the coveted Sport Kings trademark, the first multi-sport gum trading card product used by Goudey Gum company in the early 1930's. Soon there after, he founded Sport Entities, Inc. (SEI), providing both products and services to the collectibles industry. SEI has provided product support and consultation for companies including Press Pass, Spectrum, and Classic. Andrews' most recent endeavor involves the creation of digital portraits using the classic Sport Kings format for both fine art and commerical applications.

Sporting Life Philosopny

Creating trading cards is a “true” passion to me. It’s part of my DNA. Trust me when I say it’s no great way that anyone who didn’t feel that way would ever want to make a living. It is such an obsession that it’s often actually more of a curse than a blessing. The creations and concepts are constantly churning in my mind, almost to a haunting degree. Thoughts of walking into a candy store 90 years ago, or an old garage or attic of a house from the 1890’s.

The thought of finding something truly exceptional to me, not because it’s worth a fortune, because it’s the coolest thing I’ve ever seen. The “collectors” ultimate thrill. So the love of the hobby (a nearly extinct term) continues to ride on my shoulder wherever I go, and has so, for nearly five decades. I grew up at a time that the card collecting hobby was in it’s innocent infancy. That changed quickly, and I’ve watched it develop into a full blown mega industry, burn out, and limp from the ashes. Once things become all about the money, they seldom come back. Perhaps I live in the past, but I plan to share those experiences with you, both in my words, and in my creations. That is, if your willing to go along on the ride with me. Let me take you back to where I come from.

I Want You

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